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Expected Learning Outcomes 2018, Computer Networks and Data Communications, standard program

  1. Major in:
    • Code: 7480102
    • Vietnamese name: Mạng máy tính và truyền thông dữ liệu
    • English name: Computer Networks and Data Communications
  2. Level: University         Mode of study: Regular
  3. Degree: Bachelor
  4. Programme Objectives - POs

    PO1:  Students have basic knowledge of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, politics; have language skills and soft skills for work.

    PO2: Students have mastered professional knowledge both in theory and practice, have good professional skills to meet practical requirements in the field of computer networks and data communications.

    PO3: Students have the ability to self-study, self-research to develop their expertise and can continue to study at a higher level.

    PO4: The students act professionally, have the skills and working style according to international standards, law compliance, responsibility and ethics in the work, have the desire to learn and study lifelong practice.

  5. Expected learning Outcomes- ELOs

Groups of ELOs


 Description of ELOs

General knowledge

General knowledge of political theory, natural sciences, and social sciences, knowledge of foreign languages and information technology

ELO1: Manipulate basic knowledge of math as tools to solve problems in Computer Networks and Data Communications field effectively.

ELO2: Manipulate knowledge of foreign language, informatics, philosophy, politics, law, and society to integrate and develop the qualities of a Global Citizens. ELOs for foreign language is at least B1 (international), IELTS 5.0 or higher (or other equivalent certificates).

Specialized knowledge

The techniques and principles characteristic of the major; analyze and solve the problems of the major...

ELO3: Explain the basic operation principle of the system of hardware, software and computer networks.

ELO4: Understand the processes of analyzing, designing and managing network models of companies and businesses.

ELO5: Understand network programming, distributed network systems, routing algorithms, communication in the network, knowledge of network security and safety.

Specialized skills

(Practical skills:involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments)

Occupational skills

ELO6: Discover and diagnose problems related to computer networks and communications.

ELO7: Design, construct, and manage effectively computer networks and communications.

ELO8: Apply network routing algorithms and security knowledge to solve practical occupational problems.

General skills

(Cognitive skills: involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking)

Soft skills

ELO9: Capable of orientation, planning in career development, adaptability and self-training to meet new requirements.

ELO10: Develop the ability to self-study, self-research, update and apply advanced technologies to professional fields to improve work efficiency.

Attitude and awareness


ELO11: Aware of contributing to creating valuable products, contributing to promoting the country's scientific and technical development.

ELO12: Having professional ethics, honesty, progressive spirit, eager to learn, self-study to continue to improve professional skills in the spirit of respecting domestic and international laws.